So you have a daily driver that needs attention, or a project that needs work but you don’t have a lot of time to get really stuck into it? Why not figure out what jobs you could do in one day.
In an up and coming series we will guide you through some of the jobs that don’t have to take an age to complete, if you plan and prepare the parts and tools in advance.
Not only will we be covering general mechanical jobs, but a bit of welding and bodywork too. We will also go through some more basic tasks for owners that are new to the Marina or new to cars in general.
So stick around and take note of Do it in a day.
Coming up in this series:
Repair broken manifold stud – Live now!
Valve grinding and stem seals
Jacking point repair
Floor pan replacement
If you have any jobs that you want covering, please let us know and we will do our best to fit them in.